Arvutiklassi tunniplaan Help


Registration is required in order to use . After your account has been registered you will be able to log in and access any resources that you have permission to.


Under the Schedule menu item you will find the Booking item. This will show you the available, reserved and blocked slots on the schedule and allow you to book resources that you have permission to.

On the Bookings page, find the resource, date and time you'd like to book. Clicking on the time slot will allow you change the details of the reservation. Clicking the Create button will check availability, book the reservation and send out any emails. You will be given a reference number to use for reservation follow-up.

Any changes made to a reservation will not take effect until you save the reservation.

By default, only Application Administrators can create reservations in the past.

Find A Time

Under Schedule there is an option to Find A Time. This gives you the ability to search for any available slot that meets your criteria.

Multiple Resources

You can book all resources that you have permission as part of a single reservation. To add more resources to your reservation, click the More Resources link, displayed next to the name of the primary resource you are reserving. You will then able to add more resources by selecting them and clicking the Done button.

To remove additional resources from your reservation, click the More Resources link, deselect the resources you want to remove, and click the Done button.

Additional resources will be subject to the same rules as primary resources. For example, this means that if you attempt to create a 2 hour reservation with Resource 1, which has a maximum length of 3 hours and with Resource 2, which has a maximum length of 1 hour, your reservation will be denied.

You can view the configuration details of a resource by hovering over the resource name.

Recurring Dates

A reservation can be configured to recur a number of different ways. For all repeat options the Until date is inclusive.

The repeat options allow for flexible recurrence possibilities. For example: Repeat Daily every 2 days will create a reservation every other day for your specified time. Repeat Weekly, every 1 week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday will create a reservation on each of those days every week at your specified time. If you were creating a reservation on 2011-01-15, repeating Monthly, every 3 months on the day of month would create a reservation every third month on the 15th. Since 2011-01-15 is the third Saturday of January, the same example with the day of week selected would repeat every third month on the third Saturday of that month.

Additional Participants

You can either Add Participants or Invite Others when booking a reservation. Adding someone will include them on the reservation and will not send an invitation. The added user will receive an email. Inviting a user will send an invitation email and give the user an option to Accept or Decline the invitation. Accepting an invitation adds the user to the participants list. Declining an invitation removes the user from the invitees list.

The total number of participants is limited by the resource's participant capacity.


Accessories can be thought of as objects used during a reservation. Examples may be projectors or chairs. To add accessories to your reservation, click the Add link to the right of the Accessories title. From there you will be able to select a quantity for each of the available accessories. The quantity available during your reservation time will depend on how many accessories are already reserved.

Booking on behalf of others

Application Administrators and Group Administrators can book reservations on behalf of other users by clicking the Change link to the right of the user's name.

Application Administrators and Group Administrators can also modify and delete reservations owned by other users.

Updating a Reservation

You can update any reservation that you have created or that was created on your behalf.

Updating Specific Instances From a Series

If a reservation is set up to repeat, then a series is created. After you make changes and Update the reservation, you will be asked which instances of the series you want to apply the changes to. You can apply your changes to the instance that you are viewing (Only This Instance) and no other instances will be changed. You can update All Instances to apply the change to every reservation instance that has not yet occurred. You can also apply the change only to Future Instances, which will update all reservation instances including and after the instance you are currently viewing.

Only Application Administrators can update reservations in the past.

Deleting a Reservation

Deleting a reservation completely removes it from the schedule. It will no longer be visible anywhere in Arvutiklassi tunniplaan

Deleting Specific Instances From a Series

Similar to updating a reservation, when deleting you can select which instances you want to delete.

Only Application Administrators can delete reservations in the past.


Credits give administrators control over resource usage. A resource may be configured to consume a certain number of credits per slot. If you don't have enough credits, you will not be allowed to complete a booking. You can view your credit usage in the Credits section of My Account

Paying for Reservation Usage

Reservations can be paid for using credits. If you do not have enough credits to complete a reservation, you can purchase credits in the Credits section of My Account. You can also view your purchase history and credit usage history in the Credits section of My Account.

Adding a Reservation to Calendar (Outlook®, iCal, Mozilla Lightning, Evolution)

When viewing or updating a reservation you will see a button to Add to Outlook. If Outlook is installed on your computer then you should be asked to add the meeting. If it is not installed you will be prompted to download an .ics file. This is a standard calendar format. You can use this file to add the reservation to any application that supports the iCalendar file format.

Subscribing to Calendars

Calendars can be published for Schedules, Resources and Users. For this feature to work, the administrator must have configured a subscription key in the config file. To enable Schedule and Resource level calendar subscriptions, simply allow public visiblity when managing the Schedule or Resource. To turn on personal calendar subscriptions, open Schedule -> My Calendar. On the right side of the page you will find a link to Allow or Turn Off calendar subscriptions.

To subscribe to a Schedule calendar, open Schedule -> Resource Calendar and select the schedule you want. On the right side of the page, you will find a link to subscribe to the current calendar. Subscribing the a Resource calendar follows the same steps. To subscribe to your personal calendar, open Schedule -> My Calendar. On the right side of the page, you will find a link to subscribe to the current calendar.

By default events for the next 30 will be returned. This can be customized with the following two query string parameters on the subscription URL. pastDayCount and futureDayCount will override the past and future number of days loaded, respectively.

Calendar client (Outlook®, iCal, Mozilla Lightning, Evolution)

In most cases, simply clicking the Subscribe to this Calendar link will automatically set up the subscription in your calendar Client. For Outlook, if it does not automatically add, open the Calendar view, then right click My Calendars and choose Add Calendar -> From Internet. Paste in the URL printed under the Subscribe to this Calendar link in .

Google® Calendar

Open Google Calendar settings. Click the Calendars tab. Click Browse interesting calendars. Click add by URL. Paste in the URL printed under the Subscribe to this Calendar link in .

Embedding a Calendar Externally

It is simple to include a view of a Booked calendar in an external website. Copy and paste the following JavaScript reference to your website <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

The following querystring arguments are accepted to customize the embedded view:

Name Possible Values Default Details
type agenda, week, month agenda Controls the view that is shown
format date, title, user, resource date Controls the information shown in the reservation box. Multiple options can be passed. For example, to show date and title request date,title
d Any digit between 1 and 30 7 Limits the number of days shown for the agenda view
sid Any schedule public ID All schedules Limits the reservations shown to a specific schedule
rid Any resource public ID All resources Limits the reservations shown to a specific resource

Only calendars and resources that have been marked as public will be shown. If reservations are missing from a schedule or resource, it is likely that public visibility has not been turned on.


Administrators have the ability to configure quota rules based on a variety of criteria. If your reservation would violate any quota, you will be notified and the reservation will be denied.

Waiting For Availability

If a time is not available you can sign up to be notified if it becomes available. This option will be shown after a reservation attempt is made.